Name: Tyler Odom

Band: Cassino

What’s your story for being in a band? How did you come to have a career in music?

I’ve always had a strong interest in music for as long as I can remember. I got my first guitar at about the age of 11 and that’s really when I started playing music. Nick and I met when I was 13 and we started playing in bands together around that time. Eventually it led to the both of us being in Northstar and now Cassino. Though, I’m still not exactly sure if I would call it a career.

Why are you in a band? What keeps you doing what you do day in and day out?

For me the band is a creative outlet, a place to exercise musical ideas. I just love the process of writing music with another person. When Nick and I write music together, ideas just start flowing and we play off of each other. Sometimes it seems as if we’re trying to solve a lengthy math problem or piecing together a puzzle. I enjoy the challenge of writing. I guess it’s the creative process and the finished idea that keeps us doing what we do.

What do you love about music?

Music truly is a gift from God. I love that it makes me feel and I love how it makes me think.

Who are some of your favorite bands, and albums that have inspired you?

-The Smiths – Hatful of Hollow
– Bonnie Prince Billy – Master and Everyone
– Jason Molina – Pyramid Electric Co.
– Neil Young – After the Gold Rush
– Joanna Newsom – The Milk-Eyed Mender

What are some of your passions in this life? What are things that you love and care about in this world besides music?

I care a lot about the teachings of Jesus. They have opened my heart, eyes and mind more than I could have ever imagined. Having had certain experiences I now understand the importance of love and compassion. I love my family, my girlfriend and all of my friends. On a lighter note, I enjoy making super 8 films set to music. It’s just another way that I attempt to convey an idea or feeling. I love the mountains in Alabama.

Have you come in contact or been affected by any groups or charities that you’ve seen doing amazing work?

Yes, The Salvation Army is always doing amazing work. They help feed and clothe the poor and the homeless without turning anyone away. They will give anyone an opportunity to get their life together. I feel that they as a group are living out what Jesus taught.

Have you been involved in any charities?

I’m not involved with any particular charities at the moment. On a daily basis I see people that are hungry and poor, people that sleep on sidewalks. I can drive 2 blocks from where I live and see all of this. So I’ll take them food or give them money or just talk to them. I feel that it is my duty as a human to help people whenever I see the opportunity and the opportunity is always there it’s just a matter of being aware.

What are some of the biggest needs that you see in this world?

Love, compassion and understanding. If everyone (including myself) applied these principles to their lives the world would be a much different place.

To go along with that If you had to pick an area of life to change where would you start?

The only thing in this world that I am able to change is myself, and my perception of this world.

finally, what is more important to you than music?

Everything that I just mentioned in the previous questions.

please check out the bands self released new album out at